General Chair |
SAMUEL PIERRE | Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal | Canada |
General Co-Chair |
FABRICE LABEAU | McGill University | Canada |
Executive co-chairs |
ANNA MARIA VEGNI | Roma Tre University | Italy |
Steering Committee |
ABDERRAHIM BENSLIMANE | University of Avignon | France |
HSIAO-HWA CHEN | National Cheng Kung University | Taiwan |
KHALED BEN LETAIEF | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | HK |
SAMUEL PIERRE | Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal | Canada |
Victor C. M. Leung | University of British Columbia | Canada |
DOVAN THANH | Telenor & Norwegian Univ. of Science & Technology | Norway |
Workshop co-Chairs |
KURZ MARC | University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria | Austria |
LAURA GALLUCCIO | University of Catania | Catania, Italy |
Technical Program Co-Chairs |
ABDALLAH SHAMI | Western University | Canada |
RONGXING LU | University of New Brunswick | Canada |
GUAN GUI | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications | China |
GAVALAS DAMIANOS | University of Aegean | Greece |
Publication Co-Chair |
CORINNA SCHMITT | Universität der Bundeswehr München | Germany |
Publicity co-Chairs |
FABIO D’ANDREAGIOVANNI | UTC - Sorbonne University | France |
FATIMA HUSSAIN | Royal Bank of Canada | Toronto, Canada |
KHALIL IBRAHIMI | University Ibn Tofail | Morocco |
LOTFI MHAMDI | University of Leeds | UK |
HONGZHI GUO | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China |
CHANDAN GIRI | Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology | India |
ADEL SHARAR ALDALBAHI | King Faisal University | Saudi Arabia |
Short Papers, Posters & Demos Co-chairs |
SIMONE SILVESTRI | University of Kentucky | USA |
Web Master Chair |
CHAIMAA BOUDAGDIGUE | University of Avignon | France |