Travel Grants Awards
For WiMob 2019, the jury decided to award the two following students:
So, Congratulations to:
Mehmet Özgün Demir, Boğaziçi University, Turkey
Sihem Nita, University of Biskra Algeria, Algeria
Best Paper Awards
For WiMob 2019, the best papers awards have been attributed by the jury to :
Best Paper Award- An Attribute-Based Distributed Access Control for Blockchain-enabled IoT, Peng Wang and Yanlin Yue (Xidian University, P.R. China); Wen Sun and Jiajia Liu (Northwestern Polytechnical University, P.R. China)
-Student Best Paper Award- Cognitive Radio Users Admission and Channels Allocation in 5G HetNets: A College-based Matching and Auction Game Approach, Menna-t-Allah Ahmed Rostom (Egypt Japan University for Science and Technology (E-just), Egypt.
All IEEE published conference proceedings are covered by Scopus and Ei Compendex. So, you can expect to see WiMob 2019 indexed there once they receive the content files from IEEE.
According to several requests, EDAS will stay open till 1 July.
Welcome to WiMob 2019
The 15th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications.
WiMob is an international forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience among researchers, developers and practitioners of wireless and mobile technology. This year, the conference will focus on 5G, IoT, Cyber Security and use of Artificial Intelligence for mobile and wireless Networks. Please refer to the Call For Papers for more details.
For fourteen years, the International WiMob conference has provided unique opportunities for researchers and developers to interact, share new results, show live demonstrations, and discuss emerging directions in Wireless Communications, Mobile Networking and Ubiquitous Computing. WiMob 2019 will take place at Barcelona, Spain's second largest city, capital of Catalonia. The city is located in the Mediterranean and has a rich history dating back at least 2,000 years when it was a Roman town. WiMob will be held at Casa Convalescència. The building is one of the great works of Catalan Modernism, and was declared Historical Artistic Monument in 1978 and World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997.
Latest news
26/09/2019 - Conference programme has been added.
25/09/2019 - Keynote speakers have been updated.
12/08/2019 - Call for Students Travel Grants established.
01/08/2019 - Notifications have been sent to the authors.
26/06/2019 - Call for Short Papers, Poster and Demos: 25 August 2019.
26/06/2019 - According to several requests, EDAS will stay open till 1 July.
15/05/2019 - Paper submission extension: June 25, 2019.
06/05/2019 - Papers Submission Deadline: May 15, 2019.
03/04/2019 - This year, the conference will focus on 5G, IoT, Cyber Security and use of Artificial Intelligence for mobile and wireless Networks.
06/02/2019 - Keynote speakers Dr. Chaesub LEE, ITU Director, Switzerland and Prof. Sherman Shen, Univ. Waterloo, Canada.
05/02/2019 - Sponsorship of IEEE Communications Society has been approved.
05/02/2019 - Committees updated.
21/01/2019 - The Website is now online.
Past Conferences
WiMob 2018: Limassol, Cyprus
WiMob 2017: Rome, Italy
WiMob 2016: New York, USA
WiMob 2015: Abu Dhabi, UAE
WiMob 2014: Larnaca, Cyprus
WiMob 2013: Lyon, France
WiMob 2012: Barcelona, Spain
WiMob 2011: Shanghai, China
WiMob 2010: Niagara Falls, Canada
WiMob 2009: Marrakech, Morocco
WiMob 2008: Avignon, France