Keynote Speakers

Dr. Abbas Jamalipour

PhD, Fellow IEEE, Fellow IEICE, Fellow IEA

Professor of Ubiquitous Mobile Networking, The University of Sydney, Australia

Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

Past President, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society

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Dr. Abbas Jamalipour; is the Professor of Ubiquitous Mobile Networking at The University of Sydney and the Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.

He holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Nagoya University, Japan; and is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Institute of Electrical, Information, and Communication Engineers (IEICE), and the Institution of Engineers Australia (IEA), an ACM Professional Member, and an IEEE Distinguished Speaker.

He has authored nine technical books, eleven book chapters, over 550 technical papers, and five patents, all in the field of wireless communications.

He has also served as Chairs of steering committees and technical program committees of some academic and industrial conferences. He serves on editorial/advisory boards of some IEEE publications. He was a recipient of the 2023 IEEE MMTC Outstanding Researcher Award and 2023 Best Conference Paper Award.

Dr. Jamalipour was the President (2020-21), Executive Vice-President (2018-19), and has been an elected voting member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society since 2014. Previously, he served as the Editor-in-Chief IEEE Wireless Communications, Vice-President Conferences, and a member of Board of Governors of the IEEE Communications Society. He is an Editorial Board Member of the IEEE Access Journal, a member of the Advisory Board of IEEE Internet of Things Journal, and an editor for several other journals. He has been a General Chair or Technical Program Chair for several conferences, including IEEE ICC, GLOBECOM, VTC, WCNC and PIMRC.

He is the recipient of several prestigious awards such as the 2019 IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Technical Achievement Award in Green Communications, the 2016 IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Technical Achievement Award in Communications Switching and Routing, the 2010 IEEE ComSoc Harold Sobol Award, the 2006 IEEE ComSoc Best Tutorial Paper Award, as well as over fifteen Best Paper Awards.

Securing Data Transmission in Cell-Free Internet-of-Things Networks

Short Abstract

Cell-free wireless communications is a new paradigm within the future 6G networks towards implementation of the Internet of intelligence with connected people and things. The system has shown great potential in improving network performance in some perspectives compared to the co-located and conventional small-cell systems. It is envisioned that the next-generation Internet-of-Things systems would be dispersed over large areas under a cell-free network setting. This has given rise to security concerns stemming from the exposure of wireless channels and the exponential growth of connected devices. In this talk, a new secured data transmission will be discussed to obscure critical communications from eavesdroppers in Cell-Free IoT Networks.

Dr. Venkatesh Ramaswamy

MITRE Labs in Bedford, USA

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Dr. Venkatesh Ramaswamy is Chief Technologist for NextG at MITRE Labs in Bedford, Massachusetts, where he currently leads technical innovation and R&D activities in 5G/6G technologies.

He has more than 22 years of experience in the telecommunications industry and has held technical leadership positions at top technology companies, startups, and research labs.

Currently he serves as one of the active industry members of the ATIS/Next G Alliance Research Council, working on the development of a comprehensive North American 6G strategy.

He is also an industry researcher at the NSF Edge AI Institute, where he explores synergies between networking and AI. He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed publications and holds numerous patents, served as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member for various conferences, and participated in several technical panels.

He received his PhD in Electrical Engineering in 2007.

Paving the Road to 6G – The Role of Automation and AI

Short Abstract

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is widely considered the defining technology of 6G. I will begin this talk with a brief review of the ambitious vision for 6G set by various organizations and discuss the role of AI and automation in realizing that vision. I will then describe 6G's spectrum requirements in the low and middle bands and argue that the most impactful role AI could play is in the intelligent management of the limited spectrum available. I will summarize frameworks for sharing the available spectrum and highlight some of the shortcomings of current approaches. I will also use two use-cases to describe how AL/ML techniques could significantly improve spectrum utilization when applied on an open and programmable network and thus help compensate for the shortage of spectrum available to the mobile industry. At the end of my talk, I will point out some challenges associated with widespread adoption of these approaches.

Dr. Richard Li

Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China

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Dr. Richard Li is Chair Professor of Network Technologies, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China.

Prior to joining Southeast University in April 2024, Richard worked with Futurewei Technologies from 2007 to 2024 as Chief Scientist, SVP, and Head of Network Technologies Lab in the San Francisco Bay Area, USA. Before that, Richard worked with Cisco and Ericsson on their networking products, technologies, solutions and network operating systems.

Richard also served as the Chairman of the ITU-T FG Network 2030 from 2018 to 2020, the Vice Chairman of the Europe ETSI ISG Next-Generation Protocols from 2016 to 2019, Chairs of steering committees and technical program committees of some academic and industrial conferences, and a recipient of seven Best Paper Awards in international conferences.

Richard was a keynote speaker in IEEE Globecom, Infocom, Healthcom, HPSR, NetSoft, UNet, CNSM, and a frequent speaker in 6G-related conferences and symposia, among others. During his career, Richard spearheaded network technology innovation and development in Packet-Switched Networks, Routing and MPLS, Mobile Backhaul Networks, Metro and Core Networks, Data Center, Cloud and Virtualization with 65 US-granted patents and 100+ publications.

Currently he serves on the advisory board for IEEE IoT Journal, as a technical editor for IEEE Network Magazine and guest editors for special issues of some journals. His current interests include next- generation network architectures, protocols, algorithms, and systems in the support of emerging and forward-looking applications and industry verticals, especially in the context of 5G/6G and Network 2030.

Ubiquitous Networks: Challenges, Trends and Protocols

Short Abstract

Wireless and mobile technologies, especially 5G/6G radio access networks, are enabling new applications and services, for example, connected industrial control and automation, connected vehicles and cloud driving, holographic type communications. The increasing demand for such new applications and services is bringing the current Internet to the limits of what it could support, and new services are taking the current networks to their breaking point. Emerging applications are exploding in complexity and yield to massive tradeoffs between throughput, latency, packet loss and retransmission, which in turn restricts the advancement and deployment of emerging applications and services over the Internet. This talk will focus on ubiquitous networks for emerging applications and services enabled by advanced wireless and mobile access technologies. I will analyze challenges and trends, summarize technical gaps regarding current networking capabilities, propose some new networking principles, outline a new approach to digital packetization and packet transmission, in particular discuss high-precision communications, resilient communications, qualitative and semantic communications. I will show that all challenges can be addressed in a new and uniform network packet protocol that promises to unleash innovations to power the next wave of future networking applications.

WiMob 2024


Paris, France


21 - 23 October, 2024


WiMob 2024 Organizing committee


Webmaster: Dr. Sahand Khodaparas
